Friday, September 11, 2009


Date: 02/08/2008

Until you know your C02 level you will not know if you are breathing correctly. Most people are hyperventilating or over-breathing and don?t know it. You have to measure your C02 in your exhalation to know if you are over-breathing. There is no other way to know. Oxygen and C02 are true partners in the game of breathing.

I know what Doctors say about Prostate Cancer and Prostitis, but consider this possibility. Have you ever thought that Prostate Cancer might be an oxygen deprivation disease? Scientific research has validated through many experiments that cancer cells grow more quickly in an oxygen deprived environment and more slowly in an oxygen rich environment. Now, what is the number one male cancer? We know it is Prostate for men.

Did you know that there was a precipitous increase in the incidence of prostrate cancer following the "Calvin Klein tight-jeans" era? Men were told at that time to "loosen up" and wear boxer shorts instead of tight jockey shorts as the tight pants were cutting off circulation.

Did you know that prostate cancer often times metastasizes to other organs: the liver, pancreas, brain, bones, etc. but never to the penis (right next door), the heart (though we have systemic cancer) or rarely to the muscles, all blood-rich (more oxygen) organs. The heart does not get cancer or it is extremely rare. You`ve heard of systemic cancer and that means through blood carrying, the cancer has spread throughout the system, but not to the heart. Again, the heart is oxygen rich and may be the last place to exhibit Cancer.

Muscle cancer is not very common. In each separate case there may be a reason, such as inactivity, diabetes, blood clot, injury, etc. You almost never hear of penal cancer. Why not? Again, because this is another blood rich organ that gets much exercise.

The penis is right next to the prostate gland and yet prostate is the most common male cancer. What is going here? Why would this happen. Let`s look at the behavior of the male in our species, the male animal as well. It is known in the stress circles that the FIRST place the male animal tightens under stress is the perineal area (between the testicles and the anus). The organs of reproduction are drawn up as far inside as possible so the animal or man can run or fight to protect itself from death and non-survival of the species. Imagine in our very stressful life that this happens over and over, maybe hundreds of times a day.

In that stressful life-pattern breathing patterns change to a hyperventilatory-stress breathing pattern (chest breathing, rapid exhaling) and the perineal stress response becomes an ongoing learned pattern of existence. In stress versus relaxation terms this would mean poor blood flow and oxygen to an area that is already tight, tense and compromised?.a perfect set-up for the development of cancer cells or mutation from lack of oxygen, or at the very least, prostitis.

How can you prevent or reverse this situation? Obviously, stress management may be necessary to learn how to cope with life?s dealings. Learn how to breathe properly all the time. Learn deep diaphragmatic breathing and how to breathe out more slowly and extend your exhalation. Please visit my website for many articles on this subject.

There are other examples of this oxygen deprivation connection and I welcome you to add your input and your story.

By Rosemary MacGregor RN, MS info@themangotreespa
506 2786 5300

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