Friday, September 11, 2009


Date: 02/08/2008

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The Nature of Respriatory Changes Associated with Sleep Onset, Karen H. Naifeh and Joe Kamiy, Sleep, 4 (1):49-59, 1981

Biofeedback of Alveolar Carbon Dioxide Tension and Levels of Arousal, K. Naifeh, J. Kamiya, D. Monroe Sweet, Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, Vol 7, No. 3 1982, 283-299

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Yoga and Chemoreflex response to hypoxia and hypercapnia (finding of how slow breathing substantially reduced chemosensitivity while long-term yoga practice equaled a generalized reduction in chemoreflex), Lucia Spicuzza, Alessandra Gabutti, Cesare Porta, Nicola Montano, Luciano Bernardi, Lancet, Vol 356, October 28, 2000, 1495-1496

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High-Altitude Cerebral Edema Evaluated With Magnetic Resonance Imaging, P. Hackett, PR Yarnell, R. Hill, K. Reynard, J. Heit, J. McCormick (With HACE edema occurs in the white matter of the brain) JAMA. Dec 9. 1998-vol 280, No 22, 1920-1925

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The Syndrome of Habitual Chronic Hyperventilation, L.C. Lum, Modern Trends in psychosomatic medicine-3, London, Butterworths, 1976, 196-230

Hyperventilation: the Tip and the Iceberg, L.C. Lum, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol. 19, 1975, 375-383

Physiological Considerations in the Treatment of Hypeventilation Syndromes, L.C. Lum, Journal of Drug Research, 1983, 1867-1872

Breathing Exercises in the Treatment of Emphasema, Diana Innocenti, Physiotherapy, Dec 1966 437-441

Respiratory and Vascular Responses to Simple Visual Stimuli in Autistics, Retardates and Normals, Angela James, Robert J. Barry, Psychophysiology, Vol 17, 4, 541-547

*Breathing For the Brain, American Health, Nov 1986 16-17

The Science of Breath, Swami Rama, R. Ballentine, Alan Hymes, The Himalayan Institute, 1979

Brain Breathing, Diana Ingber (Changing the way we breathe can change the way our brain works` and give us conscious control over our blood pressure, immune system and mental health) Science Digest, June 1981 72-111

*Hyperventilation and the body C. Gilbert, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, (1998) 2(3), 184-191

Breathing and the Cardiovascular System, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, October 1998

*Breath, the Way of Balance, Phil Nuernberger, Dawn, Vol. 2, No.2. 1982

Healing with Ki-Kou: The Secrets of Ancient Chinese Breathing Techniques Li Xiuling, Agora Health Books (800-851-7100) 1993

Oriental Breathing Therapy, Takashi Nakamura, Japan Publications, Inc. 1981

Breath by Breath, Larry Rosenberg, Shambala, Boston 1999

Respiratory Physiology, N. Balfour Slonim, L.H. Hamilton, Mosby Co., 1987

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The Breathing Book, Donna Farhi, Henry Holt and Co., 1996

Relaxation with Biofeedback-Assisted Guided Imagery: the Importance of Breathing Rate as an index of Hypoarousal, Robert Fried, Hunter College and the Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy, N. Y.

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Breathing Awareness as a Relaxation Method in Cardiac Rehabilitation, Jan Van Dixhoorn, Hugo J. Duivenvoorden, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Stress Management, Edinburgh 1988, Plenum, N.Y.

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EEG apha-biofeedback training: an experimental technique for the management of anxiety, J.F. Hare, B.H.Timmons, J.R. Roberts, A.S. Burman, Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology, Vol 6, No. 1, Jan & Feb, 1982, 19-24

The Effects of Emotions on Short-term Power Spectrum Analysis of Heart Rate Variability, R. MaCraty, M. Atkinson, W. Tiller, Glen Rein, A. Watkins, The Journal of American Cardiology, Vol 76, no. 14, Nov 15, 1089-1093

The Role of Oscillations In Self-Regulation: Their Contribution to Homeostasis, N. Giardino, P. Lehrer, J. Feldman, In Diana Kenny and F. J. mcGuigans (Eds): Stress and Health: Research and clinical applications, 1-33

Cardiac Vagal Tone: A Physiological Index of Stress, S. Porges, NeuroSciences and Behavioral Reviews, Vol. 19, No. 2, 225-233

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Breathing and the Cardiovascular System, C. Gilbert, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Octiber 1999

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